At best, targeted coral interventions – which may not always return reefs to a healthy state – risk squandering money, time and trust in science. At worst, they are a dangerous distraction from the need for drastic emissions reduction. Climate change has killed billions of corals and fundamentally changed coral reefs. The response, especially in Australia, …
Read more “Coral restoration is a speculative, feel-good science that won’t save our reefs”
Recent ocean warming has shocked scientists and raised questions over whether reef restoration efforts can keep up with spiking temperatures. When the water off the coast of Florida reached nearly 38C last year, corals simply could not cope. Reefs bleached en masse, turning deathly white after corals ejected the symbiotic algae that provide them with food …
Read more “Coral reef restorers struggle as temperatures soar”
Menyusul tahun 2023 yang diperkirakan sebagai tahun terhangat yang pernah tercatat, tahun depan dapat membawa peristiwa pemutihan karang massal yang mengganggu ekosistem laut. Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, seorang profesor studi kelautan di Universitas Queensland, Australia, memprediksi bahwa terumbu karang akan mengalami pemutihan dramatis. Hoegh-Guldberg dan rekan-rekannya membagikan prediksi mereka dalam artikel “Perspectives” untuk More…………….